The Millennium Players
The Vicky Humber Trophy
for Outstanding Performance
This is a brand new trophy, created in time for our October production of 'Alice in Wonderland' in 2024. Vicky was a founding member of MP, who sadly passed away in 2023. We have decided to name this trophy in her memory and hope her legacy can live on at MP for many years to come. This trophy is awarded to a cast member who produces an outstanding performance as voted for by the committee for every major show we produce.
We are delighted to announce our first ever winner:
Alice in Wonderland - Lexi Timson
Ray's Mug
Ray was one of our founding members. He was much loved by all who knew him and an integral part of our society. Upon Ray's passing the committee decided to honour his memory and legacy by creating 'Ray's Mug'. A trophy of special significance bestowed upon some very worthy individuals down the years. The criteria for winning the trophy remain our best kept secret but it's often said by the receiver of 'Ray's Mug' that the feeling is akin to an honorary lifetime membership.
Unfortunately we do not hold records of every recipient of 'Ray's Mug'. If you feel you have a special claim to the trophy that has been missed, please get in touch with us to rectify!
Alice in Wonderland - Steve Andre
Dead Man's Cell Phone - Zoe May
Fantastic Mr. Fox - Rob Haig
A Christmas Carol - Jack Jackson-Humphrey
Camelot, The Panto - Jess McConachie
Widdershins - Pat Langridge
Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Tom Messmer
She Stoops to Conquer - Kate Bowles
Cinderella - Sarah Cannon